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Four Biblical Principles of Engagement that Penetrate Student Culture.
“I’m convinced youth pastors must be weary of playing the game of getting bigger crowds by entertainment oriented youth ministry. In “Four,” Matt reveals how to attract youth around a life changing and mission oriented ministry. Best of all, Matt has a lifetime of practical experience proving that what he writes is more than theory. Every youth pastor should read this book.” – Randy Pope (Pastor, Perimeter Church) “Reading this book by our good friend Matt Brinkley is like watching future Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre play the game of football: You are privy to a seasoned veteran who is has done it right and has been better than good for a long time. You are seeing someone’s heart and soul expressed in a way few can duplicate. And following his lead gives you a great chance to succeed.” – Andy Stanley & Stuart Hall “4” by Matt Brinkley—is a book written out of years of experience with a passion for Christ, an understanding and burden for the New Millennium student, and a commitment to four clearly defined principles that assure powerful ministry results. It’s a must read! $11.99 |
Authentic reflections from over twenty-five years of youth ministry experience.
To stay the course of youth ministry for the long haul is a rare exception. Youth pastors are a dying breed! They are falling victim to personal discouragement, church-related challenges, lack of financial sustenance, poor discernment, and sheer burnout. Unfortunately, some churches continue to have little understanding and respect for the desperate need for excellence in youth ministry. Christ-centered youth pastors embody potential impact that is immeasurable and quite able to bring about explosive Godly results in the lives of students today and for generations to come. For me, over 25 years of youth ministry experience yielded many insights, many of which were learned the hard way. This book was almost named “Things I Wish I Had Known,” which would have been appropriate, but did not fit the necessary sequencing of titles for the following two books. It is my humble desire to share with you very real experiences that will at least let you know someone understands, and could help you to sail more wisely through the typical challenges a youth pastor faces. This book is not a strategic piece. It is written to encourage the heart of the youth pastor with a deep desire that it might yield encouragement, challenge, and exhortation. There are application questions following most chapters intended to challenge the reader to think through and apply important life principles. “I encourage youth pastors to put Stay the Course of Youth Ministry at the top of their reading list. This insightful and inspirational book written by Matt Brinkley, a veteran of over 25 years of student ministry, captures the heart of the youth pastor by speaking to real issues in an unusually vulnerable and authentic way. The reflective questions at the end of each chapter provoke a great opportunity for personal application and small group discussions. Don’t miss this personal opportunity for reflection, encouragement, and challenge.” —Barry St. Clair $7.99 |
Impacting a Lost World is a Biblically convicting and compelling study that equips and exhorts students to impact their lost world for Christ. Students all over the world are searching for answers with seemingly
nowhere to turn. The fields are truly “white unto harvest.” Christian students are often burdened, but lack the Biblical insight and practical training on how to wisely present their love for Christ to their seeking $6.99 |
Nothing But Grace is a Biblically enlightening and liberating study of the vast riches inherited through God’s grace. Most Christian students clearly understand that heaven is a reward for accepting
Christ. However, many have limited awareness of the promises of spiritual inheritance while on earth. They miss the full and rich experience of these blessings. Unfortunately, a parched and fruitless lifestyle is the typical result. A combination of limited or distorted Biblical views are often the culprit of this unfortunate loss. Nothing But Grace is intended to open the Biblical floodgates of God’s truth introducing students to the phenomenal rewards that are theirs through Christ. This study of God’s truth highlighted through extremely practical applications, illustrations and stories make the study both fun and rewarding. $5.99 (Downloadable E-Book) |
Fighting the Good Fight is a Biblically discerning and victory enhancing study of God’s word. It is intended to afford Christian students the tactical skills necessary in spiritual warfare. Most Christian students find issues regarding spiritual warfare confusing. Some lack a foundational understanding of the subject leaving them prey for Satan’s attacks. Others find themselves persuaded to extremes through exaggerated ill-advised theology creating unnecessary fear, reaction, and solution. Fighting The Good Fight directs the students to a balanced view of truth teaching them: the reality of the adversary, discernment between satanic attack and battles with the flesh, and the proper solutions to help them stand in the midst of battle. Included in this study is a detailed investigation of Ephesians 6 which rewards the student with practical and powerful principles to fight the good fight to spiritual victory.$5.99 |
Dating By the Book is a Biblically practical and powerful study of the potential pitfalls and solutions to wisely navigate dating relationships. There is not a more important practical challenge that Christian students face than the issue of dating. No youth minister needs to be convinced of the challenges that students face as they attempt to navigate through this confusing maze. Far too many students fall victim to the pitfalls of dating. It seems that much of the Christian community has all but accepted these results, only standing on the sidelines in hopes that the losses won¹t be too great. Many believe that the Bible has little to say regarding this critical area. Nothing could be further from the truth. In 1981, recognizing the huge losses suffered in this arena, I began speaking to students on this issue. This conference immediately took on the name of Dating By The Book. Since that time, untold hours have been invested studying scripture, student patterns, and statistics to attempt to unravel the many confusions that have so easily entangled generations of believers.
This endeavor yielded this Biblically balanced manual. Students are enthralled and challenged by the relevant illustrations and stories woven throughout the journey of Godly principle. Dating By The Book is a must read for all students! $9.99 |
Living in Control in an Out of Control World is a Biblically engaging and life-changing study. It challenges students with critical principles of life management. All have experienced the whirlwind of life and it’s powerful grasp. When this happens there seems little hope for escape. Time is a precious commodity, yet most Christian students spend little or no time considering how they might invest it. Ephesians 5: 15, 16 states . . . “be very careful, then, how you live ‹ not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”
Living In Control In An Out of Control World challenges students to consider the critical Biblical principles of time stewardship. These foundational principles combined with highly effective and practical “hands on” exercises are sure to spiritually exhort and equip the student in their endeavor to live a rich and rewarding Christian life. $5.99 (Downloadable E-Book) Quantity: |
Life to Life Encounters is created to support youth pastors in their pursuit to establish a successful mentoring ministry between Christian students and Godly adults.Romans 1:11,12 says… “I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong – that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” It is with this same passion that Life to Life was written.
Blessings of Life to Life Encounters:
$7.99 |
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